SCG Sustainable Construction

Sustainable Construction
Our products for Sustainable Construction to deliver the best benefit to our customer and all alliance by providing precious product’s quality with environmental-friendly and healthy-concerned throughout Green & Well-Being building.
SCG develops our products for Sustainable Construction to deliver the best benefit to our customer and all alliance by providing precious product’s quality with environmental-friendly and healthy-concerned throughout Green & Well-Being building.
For environmental product declaration, using recycled materials to preserve natural resources and local material and improve our production process for decreasing greenhouse gas release. Our environmental product declaration comprising:
- Third-party life-cycle assessment and environmental product declaration conform to ISO 14025, EN 15804, or ISO 21930.
- Locally extracted or recovered materials
- Low embodied carbon materials
- Materials and packaging that can easily be recycled
- Materials that disclose environmental impacts / carbon foot print
- Rapidly renewable materials and recycled content materials
- Third-party certified wood – base materials

Revenue from Sales of Sustainable Construction Products and Services
• 31.3 %*
• 59.3 Billion Baht*
Remark : * Only revenue from Cement and Building Materials business products
Example of products from SCG that certifies the environmental impact of a material and contribute to obtaining credits in LEED® version 4.
Glazed Porcelain Tile
Product advantages in sustainability and Environmental and Health Product Declaration
- LEED® certification contribution: this product can contribute to obtain the materials and resources credit.
- Locally (Regional Material) extracted or recovered materials 90%
- Third-party life-cycle assessment and environmental product declaration conform to ISO 14025 and EN 15804 standards.
- Low embodied carbon materials
- Materials and packaging that can easily be recycled
- Materials that disclose environmental impacts /Carbon Reduction Label

Contribution to ISO14025 and Environmental Product Declaration certification
To obtain this credit (see
Contribution to Materials and packaging that can easily be recycled
To obtain this credit (see
Contribution to Materials that disclose environmental impacts Third-party Verify
To obtain this credit (see
Smart Wood & Board
Product advantages in sustainability
- This product certified Third-party certified wood – base materials
- This product certified third party product carbon footprint

To obtain this credit see
To obtain this credit see product certified third party product carbon footprint
TGO CFP FY20-045-235
- The board is made of portland cement and wood, which is a very flexible material and good for respiration
- This product disclosure rapidly renewable materials 30% and optimization

To obtain this credit see
Health product declaration is one of our responsibility to protect and give the benefit to our customer by considering any of raw materials that affect as least as possible for all, including:
- Low-emitting VOC material with VOC content and VOC emission
- Exclusion of Red list materials
Green 4 Low VOCs Insulation

G-Care Insulation: Green-4 Series
- Comfort Living Care – Protect and reflect heat more than general insulation
- Hygiene Care – Low VOCs : Low Volatile Organic Compounds
- Environmental Care – 100% recycled content and can reduce energy consumption
- Product Design Care – special design, easy to install
Glass Wool Insulation
Product advantages in sustainability
- Low-emitting VOC material with VOC content and VOC emissions
- Exclusion of Lead, cadmium and mercury
To obtain this credit see Health Product Declaration