Applying circular economy to maximize resource use. Due to the scarcity of natural resources, SCG puts a priority on projects that improve resource efficiency, recyclability & reusability and promote waste management under the concept of the circular economy.
The waste crisis has caused tremendous impacts and aggravated global resource scarcity. SCG strives to promote systematic waste management align with SDGs 8, 9, and 12 that we continuously pay attention to and create share value along its value chain by the aspiration for Bio-Circular-Green Economy (BCG) which is recognized as the pathway towards resource and environment security encouraging changes in production and consumption behavior according to SCG circular way as a viable and sustainable approach to tangible impacts. To reach this goal, Green Construction, one of the waste-to-wealth projects, uses digital technology to push construction innovation to complete customer needs. It solves the problem of inefficient construction, outdated technology, and environmental impacts. Increasing The Use of Alternative Fuels, such as biomass from agricultural waste and refuse-derived fuels (RDFs), as well as the use of waste heat from production and deploying solar energy to reduce coal consumption in cement production. Chemicals Business developed SCG GREEN POLYMER™ – eco-friendly plastic solutions, consisting of 4 major groups: Reduce, Recyclable, Recycle, and Renewable. We strengthen Circular Economy with digital platforms e.g. PaperX and KoomKah into business by returning and recycle of wastes as raw materials for SCG’s operations. Moreover, SCG has since 2019 carried out the Waste-free Community Project and fostered collaboration with the government and public sectors to establish model communities in order to scale up the project for a wider impact.
CPAC Green Solution
Cement-Building Materials Business has therefore delivered a Green Construction Solution that is environment friendly, maximizing the resource use, enhancing the precise selection of material use, reducing the construction period, cost-saving, and reducing the generation of construction waste, air pollution, PM2.5, and greenhouse gas emissions and expanding to agroindustry, particularly livestock group that needs large animal houses such as pig farm. With this segment, the aim is to meet the client’s need for a good standard farm, with sound hygiene and eco-friendly as well as improving community quality of life.
CPAC Drone Solution handles preparation work by conducting a thorough survey of the farm sites with precise, relevant details of construction ground quality, elevation, wind direction, the surrounding, etc. to make the most out of utility space while minimizing mistakes during construction. In the next step, the pig house is designed using CPAC BIM featuring Building Information Modeling (BIM), an end-to-end construction project solution. It yields a 3-dimensional projection of the architecture, structure, and systems work. This visualization brings stakeholders on the same page in every step of work from pre-construction on, so that inaccuracies or mistakes can be spotted early and joint planning to meet the deadline. Importantly, the solution can assess the number of building materials and accurately project the volume required. This helps save costs to the farm owners and reduces building materials waste compared to the traditional approach.

CPAC Farm Solution has turned pig farm construction around, making it stress-free with innovation and technology with the commitment of its team and Eco-Partners’ Network to deliver benefits to all stakeholders.
Reducing dust during construction, and cutting GHG emissions from pig farm construction activities through the use of SCG Green Choice such as SCG Hybrid Cement has the property to reduce GHG emissions from its production process.
We deliver happiness to green farm that contributes to the environment, society, and global sustainability.
(Link to watch the video: https://youtu.be/Nzrb7h3dXak )

Business Benefit KPI
- Improve business performance to achieve commitment to circular economy
- Reduce 10-15% of construction waste equivalence to 50 kg per ton of cement from Green Construction Solution
- Create competitive advantages and business opportunity
- Reduce building material waste by 10-15%
- Double time saving of construction period
- Increase 20% faster customer revenue generation
- Uplift overall brand reputation
- Received Sustainability Excellence Awards at SET Awards 2021 for the sixth consecutive year by the Stock Exchange of Thailand
- Increase Media Value to 67.17 Million Baht from Circular Economy
Social/ Environmental Benefit KPI
- Positive Impact on the environment
- Reduce 10-15% of construction waste equivalence to 50 kg per ton of cement from Green Construction Solution
2. Positive Impact on the society with increasing community capability of construction contractors, builders, and farmers
- Green Construction Solution aims at forging an Eco-Partners’ Network among key stakeholders
- More than 200 construction contractors joined in CPAC Green Solution
- Local contractors and builders working with CPAC have been trained to uplift their skills and commitment to work together, while safety is ensured by CPAC compliance resulting in fewer work hours with 10% higher earnings
- Double time saving of construction period
- Increase 20% faster customer revenue generation
3. Behavior Change from raising environmental awareness
- Increase awareness and exploit new ways of construction
The production of refuse-derived fuel (RDF)
One of SCG’s outstanding efforts to develop alternative fuels is the production of refuse derived fuel (RDF) by setting up a plant at the community landfills to transform the sorted flammable refuse into compressed energy blocks for use in the cement kiln at a gray cement plant in place of coals, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating waste issue in line with the circular economy principles. Moreover, a project was set up to buy agricultural waste such as rice straws, sugar cane leaves, and corn cobs from communities surrounding the plants to process into energy pallets to replace coals. The project has helped generated income for farmers instead of burning their agricultural waste, which adds to greenhouse gas emissions and PM2.5 concentration, aggravating environmental crises in Thailand over the past several years

Business Benefit KPI
- Improve business performance to achieve commitment on circular economy
- 3.76 Million Tons or 5.3% of recycled or renewable raw material used in production
- 19.9% of Alternative fuel used to replace the fossil fuel
- 103 Million Baht from Sales of SCG Circularity Products (19.6% from sales of SCG Green Choice 2021)
- Uplift overall brand reputation
- Received Sustainability Excellence Awards at SET Awards 2021 for the sixth consecutive year by the Stock Exchange of Thailand
- Increase Media Value to 67.17 Million Baht from Circular Economy
Social/ Environmental Benefit KPI
1. Positive Impact on the environment
- Reduce more than 40,000 rais field burning and PM 2.5 dust emissions
2. Positive Impact on the society
- Increase farmers’ income more than 29 Million Baht
- Increase community capability of local farmers
- More than 60 communities around cement plant join in project
- Behavior Change from raising environmental awareness
- Reduce more than 40,000 rais field burning and PM 2.5 dust emissions
- Increase awareness and exploit new ways of Fuel
Chemicals Business developed an innovative solution of making plastic pellets under 4Rs and Circular Economy principles. This solution is presented as SCG GEEN POLYMERTM which is plastic pellet that is eco-friendly across its lifecycle from design, production, marketing, transport, storage and delivery, product use, recycling and disposal upon end of product life. This is the proposition to consumers keen on eco-product. It enhances the competitive edge of Chemicals Business in the world market.
Key attributes of SCG GREEN POLYMERTM line consist of Reduce -use of plastic material while still retaining strength with SMX Technology. Recyclable – by design for plastic packaging upon expiry to be recyclable through use of mono-material polymer. Recycle – used plastics from households are crushed and returned as feedstock in production process. Renewable – resource can regenerate itself naturally and is biodegradable via development of Bioplastic.
(Link to watch the video: https://youtu.be/3HlYSHMy7Q4)

Business Benefit KPI
- Improve business performance to achieve commitment on circular economy
- 20,100 ton/year from Sales of Green Polymer
- Uplift overall brand reputation
- Received Sustainability Excellence Awards at SET Awards 2021 for the sixth consecutive year by the Stock Exchange of Thailand
- Increase Media Value to 67.17 Million Baht from Circular Economy
Social/ Environmental Benefit KPI
- Positive Impact on the environment
- Plastic material could reduce recyclable recycle and renewable
- Behavior Change from raising environmental awareness
- Increase awareness and exploit new ways of Polymer
Waste-Free Community Project
The growing population leads to an enormous increase in the amount of waste. Circulating and reusing resources in line with the circular economy principles is key to alleviating the issues of resource scarcity and waste while, at the same time, generating income for the community. As a consequence, SCG has initiated the Waste-free Community Project to promote waste management in communities surrounding all SCG plants and other network areas.
(Link to watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vz65liKjhUQ )

Business benefit KPI
- Improve stakeholder collaboration
- Total 170 Waste-Free Communities with 93% reduction in waste equivalence to 1.2 Million Baht from Ban Pong
- Total 87 homes, temples, schools, and occupation groups with reduction in waste 175 tons of recyclable waste to the waste bank and application “Koomkah” from Map Ta Phut
- Uplift overall brand reputation
- Received Sustainability Excellence Awards at SET Awards 2021 for the sixth consecutive year by the Stock Exchange of Thailand
- Increase Media Value to 67.17 Million Baht from Circular Economy
Social/ Environmental Benefit KPI
1. Behavior Change from raising environmental awareness
- 2 communities received award in the Zero Waste Community contest of the Department of Environmental Quality Promotion.
- More than 23 communities and 100 members using application “Koomkah” and “PaperX” for waste management respectively