Stakeholder Engagement

Under the determination to drive the business for sustainable growth and create progress in every society and community that SCG has operation, SCG emphasizes the importance of all stakeholders and promote stakeholder engagement through cooperative and inclusive approach to contribute to building positive relationships, confidence and value creation between stakeholders and SCG.
Engagement with Stakeholders
SCG upholds Good Corporate Citizenship, particularly in communities where we operate, by respecting the right of stakeholders and extending fair treatment to every group of stakeholders. SCG stands ready to listen to their views and concerns, to build up their understanding and to formulate collaborative actions on key concerned issues, including the matters of social and environmental development.
SCG operates within the framework of Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility, as stipulated in the SCG Corporate Governance Handbook. Our employees work in strict compliance with the SCG Code of Conduct to prevent prejudice arisen from inappropriate conducts.
Given the diversity of stakeholders, each group may be impacted to various extent by our operations. Therefore, SCG promulgated a Stakeholder Engagement Policy that continually review and improve, so all employees fully understand and recognize the importance of stakeholders, and for all functions to be on the same page regarding processes of stakeholder analysis, formulation of appropriate communication strategy, disclosure and participation.
In 2020, SCG has developed a Guidance for Stakeholder Engagement from the AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard (AA1000SES) 2015, a well-recognized international standards for stakeholder engagement. The Guidance is purposed for practical guides to the employees including operators and practitioners to be applied in acknowledgement of stakeholders’ perspective, attitude and expectation on SCG and conducting effective engagement with stakeholder groups and creating long-term values between stakeholders and SCG.
Stakeholder Engagement Approach
SCG categorizes stakeholders into 12 groups: namely the customer, employee, trading partner, supplier, community, shareholder, investor, creditor, governmental agency, media, civil society/ academia/ opinion leader and competitor. Each year, the department that is responsible for the respective stakeholder group will assess the role and importance of stakeholders, and design an appropriate approach and level of engagement.

Diverse stakeholder feedback and input will be integrated deeply into all aspects of a SCG’s operations for value creation and enhancement of stakeholders’ confidence in SCG.
Stakeholders engagement Program/ initiatives in 2022
Fostering Good Relations with Shareholders
- SCG Shareholder Activities
SCG recognizes the importance of fostering good relations with shareholders. As a result, since 2010, the Company has continuously hosted a range of activities that are beneficial to society, culture, and the environment as well as opened up opportunities for shareholders to visit the sites of the Company’s core business units.
IIn 2021, in 2022, the COVID-19 pandemic began to decline, SCG resumed its activities for shareholders, including a site visit to SCG Chemicals Public Company Limited (SCGC) to view its ESG activities and a joint activity with community enterprises at the RIL Industrial Estate in Rayong. The activities were organized to inform shareholders who had expressed their wish to participate in SCG’s activities in the years 2021-2022 of SCG’s sustainable practices, which were in line with an ESG approach and the principles of circular economy, both with regard to production and to its collaboration with communities surrounding its plants, such as in waste management. The activities also gave the participants an opportunity to get in touch with local community enterprises.

Debenture Holder Activities
- An online seminar “Digital Assets: An Alternative of the Future” and an online seminar “Cyber Awareness”, both held as on-site events with physical distancing measures in place, attended by 400 participantsใ
- SCG Smiling Workshops: a total of 400 educational “Kid Learn” velvet boards were donated to the Foundation for the Deaf under the Royal patronage of H.M. the Queen in May, and a total of 100 educational picture boards for the supporting of mathematics and English language leaning were given to kindergarten and primary school students through the Rajaprajanugroh Foundation under Royal Patronage.
- The SCG Debenture Club for Schools Project: SCG and its debenture holders raised over 2.45 Million Baht to purchase school supplies for primary schools in Nakhon Phanom, namely Ban Kok Sawang School, Ban Don Daeng School, and Ban Phon School.
Human Rights Respect and Protection
- Respect and Protect Human Rights among employees by revising the Human Rights Policy and the Diversity and Inclusion Policy to ensure currency and alignment with current social issues and context, informing and educating employees about human rights and conducting an empathizing project where insights were obtained from various employee groups, such as female employees, Muslims, and members of the LGBTQ community, to improve the content of human rights communications and care of new employees to address a fuller range of needs. Supporting the Human Rights Policy with regards to diversity and inclusion and setting a goal to increase the number of female executives by 2025.
- Support the Human Rights Policy with regards to diversity and inclusion and setting a goal to increase the number of female executives by 2025.
- Improve employee care to ensure positive experience and well-being throughout their duration of employment and foster engagement with the organization. The Company has also reviewed its policy for returning to work in the post-COVID period, established flexible work arrangements, redesigned the workplace environment, and initiated projects to foster employee participation and engagement.
Remuneration Management
The Company has put in place a job value assessment process for the jobs at different levels in the organization and established a suitable remuneration structure that is competitive with other companies in the same industry or located in the vicinity as well as a performance assessment system that is guided by fairness and equitability within the organization.
Employee Benefit Management
SCG has prescribed a benefit management policy and relevant guidelines in its human resource management regulations, protocols, and guidelines to provide support and assistance related to healthcare and wellbeing for employees, facilitate their performance of duties, and elevate their quality of life as appropriate for employees at each level. The policy and guidelines are regularly reviewed to ensure compatibility with changes.
Long-term Employee Care
SCG puts a premium on career advancement management and keeping employees informed of their career path, which is a crucial factor in building their motivation and bond with the organization. Career advancement plans are regularly developed by employees and their supervisors include Long-term benefits for employees.

- Established a unit responsible for customer relations management in every business in order to offer suggestions on the Company’s products and services.
- Provide counsel regarding troubleshooting and after-sales services.
- Handle complaints when problems arise. Suggestions are then used to inform future operation plans to enhance operation at efficiency.
- Customer satisfaction in each business group is surveyed on a yearly basis to gauge the expectation and satisfaction level of customers, and customer insights discovered in the process are then further developed into new innovations.
- Invent a customer consumption behavior analysis system in order to learn customers’ needs and create long-term satisfaction for customers. Based on the 2022 customer satisfaction survey through the SCG Contact Center, the result of overall customer satisfaction survey of SCG was 100%.

Suppliers/ Business Partners
- SCG has a policy of taking good care of its business partners regarding the environment, work safety, and remunerations.
- Provision of knowledge, counsel, and motivation in order to bring about development in management system.
- Promote Safety through a contractor safety management certification system.
- Consideration of appropriate and fair remunerations.
- The Company is resolved to develop the capabilities and knowledge of its business partners both within and outside their lines of work to enable them to work more efficiently. At the same time, SCG also encourages its business partners to enhance their knowledge to achieve highest efficiency in their work.

Joint-Venture Partners
- Collaborates with joint venture partners to promote, support, and strengthen the operation of joint ventures.
- Encourage exchange of opinions and suggestions; formulate business plans; determine an appropriate and transparent allocation of interest.
- Monitor and drive the operation of the joint ventures to be in accordance with the laws and sustainable development guidelines, in order for the joint ventures to achieve the shared goals.
- The Company enters all types of agreement with each creditor in compliance with the law in a fair, and transparent way, without taking advantage of the parties to the agreement.
- Any fraudulent method or concealment of material facts or information that may damage the creditors is prohibited.
- The Company strictly complies with any agreed terms and conditions with all types of creditor accurately and straightforwardly.
- The Company will pay loans plus interests to all types of creditor at the full amount when due.
- The Company also strives to constantly keep creditors abreast of the Company’s business status and maintain sustainable relations with creditors.
SCG support activities that help solve problems and make contribution in line with the needs of the communities that SCG operates in, both in Thailand and overseas. In addition, the CSR for Sustainable Development Committee is tasked with formulating policies, directing projects, promoting the participation of employees, affiliated organizations, government agencies, and communities in carrying out activities in the hope of achieving harmonious and sustainable co-existence between industries and communities.
Additional details on SCG’s community, environmental, and social responsibility are provided in the Sustainability Report on the Company’s website (
Government Agencies
SCG has clearly defined guidelines for engaging in transactions with government agencies in the SCG Code of Conduct and SCG Anti-corruption Policy. Furthermore, SCG ensures strict compliance with relevant laws and regulations despite varying conditions, procedures, or practices in each locality. In addition to refusing to engage in an act that could provide an incentive for officers in government agencies to commit an inappropriate or unlawful deed, the Company also cooperates with government agencies in providing academic assistance or support for various activities and is open to comments, suggestions, and complaints from government agencies.
SCG attaches significance to the timely, accurate, and transparent disclosure of information to the media, so they can communicate the information to the public with accuracy and in a timely fashion. To create continuous media engagement, a number of activities catering to the interests of the media have been held such as press conferences and CSR activities. The Company is also committed to fostering good relations with the media through opinion exchange sessions to further development and provision of support for their academic activities based on the media code of conduct.
Civil Society Sector, Scholars, and Thought Leaders
SCG conducts business with concern for social responsibility and all stakeholders. In addition to full, accurate, transparent, verifiable disclosure of information, the Company recognizes the importance of comments and suggestions from the civil society sector, which reflect issues that the Company can improve to create values and benefit for society. Since 2010, the Sustainable Development Committee has held opinion panels comprising esteemed figures from government and private sectors, as well as independent entities. These panels focus on the care and the creation of value for society and communities as well as strive to include the industry and the entire SCG supply chain in order to create a shared business practice for sustainability.

SCG has a policy to treat competitors fairly under an honest competition framework. The Company is committed to carrying out business fairly in compliance with the law and SCG Code of Conduct and with concern for trade ethics and transparency. The Company also refuses to gain an unfair advantage over its competitors through unlawful activities, seek confidential information through unethical or inappropriate means, engage in any action that violates competitors’ intellectual properties rights, or destroy competitors’ reputations with defamatory and untruthful statements. In addition, the Company supports and promotes free trade, avoiding any acts that monopolize the market, impede or limit fair competition.
Channels for the Stakeholders

Stakeholder Engagement Policy
SCG Guidance for Stakeholders Engagement