SCG reviews enterprise materiality on a yearly basis through the SCG Sustainable Development Committee, taking into consideration both internal and external impacts.
Process of Materiality Assessment and Prioritization
Based on the GRI Standards (GRI 3: Material Topics 2021),
The double-materiality concept Application and Issues, and Integrated Reporting Framework
Analyze sustainability issues which may have impact on both business and externality along the value chain, covering the phase of raw material procurement to production, transportation, distribution, utilization of products and services, together with the analysis of changes in key trends.
Identify actual impacts of sustainability issues and future trends through committees under the supervision of SDC.
Analyze economic, environmental, social, and other impacts in accordance with the enterprise risk management framework.
Assess and prioritize sustainability issues with respect to importance to SCG for business impact and stakeholders for externality impact and define materiality.
2022 Materiality Assessment
The materiality analysis is conducted annually based on:
Analysis of Stakeholder Impacts (Externality)
- Key ESG issues related to industry relevant to SCG based on the analysis of leading ESG evaluator, such as Stamp;P Global, Sustainalytics, MSCI, and FTSE4Good
- 2022 Opinion Panel
- Important issues for each group of stakeholders
- Surveys of stakeholder opinions towards SCG’s operations, such as pre-event and post-event opinion surveys for ESG Symposium 2022, Supplier Day 2022
Analysis of Business Impacts
- Issues with significant impacts on SCG based on its corporate risk assessment
- Issues that the SCG Sustainable Development Committee highlights and designates as issues that require close monitoring
- Issues that are integrated into short-, medium-, and long-term goals of business plans and the assessment criteria for the remuneration determination of CEO and top executives
Enterprise Materiality
- High impact on economic, environmental, and social dimensions.
- High impact on stakeholders’ assessment, decision-making, or confidence.
- Fully integrated in SCG’s short-, medium- and long-term business plans.

Enterprise Materiality
Climate Resilience
Climate resilience includes the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the enhancement of adaptability to the hyper velocity changing of business circumstances in volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) world.
Circular Economy
The manufacturing of products and the development of services and solutions with maximizing energy efficiency and resource use across the value chain to reduce the consumption of natural resources and create a sustainable, closed loop of resource circularity.
Health and Safety
Caring for the health and safety of employees, contractors, and stakeholders who may be directly and indirectly affected by SCG’s business operations.