Innovation and Technology

SCG aims at nimble adaptability by fostering collaboration with external partners, expanding investment in startups and in new business model at global level with the objective of adopting knowledge from outside to expedite and enhance its in-house innovation and technology adoption, to prepare us as change leader.
One of the key factors in SCG’s delivery of “Better Solutions” is the ability to deploy innovation and technology to drive all aspects of enterprise in adapting to change and managing crisis with agility. This enables SCG to turn crisis into opportunity through delivery of products, services and solutions for better living of the society while caring for the environment and sustainability. Underpinning the undertaking are principles of circular economy and GHG emissions reduction.
In implementing Digital Transformation policy, SCG enlists technology to enhance efficiency throughout supply chain. SCG promotes internal culture of innovation to harness employees’ strength, while at the same time open to external collaboration to accelerate the ability to cope with change. The latter aspect is achieved through collaboration with research and other entities, investing in start-ups and in new business models globally to speed up adoption within SCG. As a result, SCG stays at the forefront of innovations to deliver “better solutions” to stakeholders in a sustainable manner
- To achieve 50% of High Value Added Products and Services of total revenue from sales.
- Adopt digital technology as tool to enhance efficiency in business operation, product development, logistics and customer service.
- Expand investment in R&D, innovation of new business models with new processes and tools.
- Step up collaboration with external partners and research institutions to support innovation and technology development constructively.
- Promote a culture of innovation within the workforce where employees constitute creative force in generating new business.
- Apply circular economy principles to drive innovation and new business model.
- SCG Innovation Committee steers the direction of innovation, and promotes culture of innovation and technology.
- Develop innovation incubation process through Innovation Management System.
Key Highlights

AddVentures during the covid–19 Pandemic
- AddVentures by SCG, the corporate venture capital arm in charge of tech-startups to complement existing business while expanding new opportunity, invests through funds in China, India and Southeast Asia, and United States. In 2021, it invested in a leading India-based start-up Bizongo, B2B market platform. In Thailand, it joined Validus to establish Siam Validus to operate P2P Lending Platform for SMEs. With travel and mobility restrictions brought about by the pandemic, AddVentures adjusted its strategy by work directly with startups to explore opportunity for investment and engage with startups through VC funds and existing networks.

Ignitor Project to Accelerate Connecting SCG and Startup
- This One-Stop-Service platform integrates search from external sources of innovations that solve problems for over 300 companies within SCG, focusing on energy technology, AI machine learning, computer vision and hyper automation. After the project utilized innovations from external sources, proof-of-concept period is found to have been shortened by up to 50 per cent compared to in-house effort at fostering innovation: from over one year to less than one year. Successful test cases include the use of AI Machine Learning to improve efficiency of solar cell power generation. On the Hyper Automation front, Workflow Automation Virtual Assistant has been deployed to manage resource and track performance. Telemedicine has been adopted to care for employees in Thailand and overseas to ensure prompt medical access during pandemic.
HATCH–WALK–FLY Internal Startup
- SCG has committed to emboldening employees to innovate and think like entrepreneurs, by adapting start-up work culture in the organization with a view to expanding business opportunity. SCG Internal Startup Project consists of three stages: HATCH to zero in on client’s problem and need, WALK features research, development and piloting solutions and exploring market feasibility, and FLY aims at expanding customer’s base to grow the business. In 2021, a total of 8 teams have entered into FLY stage including: Roots, an industrial goods trading platform; Rudy, client management system and sales tracking for construction materials shop; DezpaX, food and beverage packaging platform for delivery; NaYoo, residential rent and sales platform; Urbanice, condo-living management platform; ZUPPORTS, transnational freight management platform.