Environment and Climate Policy

With commitment to be a regional business leader focusing on innovation and sustainability.SCG realized the importance of environmental and climate management as key drivers in sustainable growth.SCG has therefore chartered this policy that revise from SCG Environment and Energy Policy Revision 2 (1 April 2021) in order to ensure its efficiency and effectiveness of our environmental and climate management according to SCG business philosophy.
The policy outlined herewith shall be applied to all production operations, business facilities, business partner in value chain and joint venture: from designing, procuring, manufacturing, providing services and solutions, distributing and logistics, and managing of wastes and end of used products. This policy shall also be applied to suppliers, contractors and service providers both tier 1 and non-tier 1; other key business partners such as non-managed operations, joint venture partners, outsourcing partners, new project, modification project, due diligence of mergers and acquisitions as follows:
- Conduct business in compliance with regulatory requirements as a minimum, in accordance with global issues and in response to local concerns in line with SCG Sustainable Development Framework and other SCG policies.
- Operate business with minimize environment impacts, protecting the environment and climate change mitigation and adaptation in alignment with the Paris Agreement challenge targets toward net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. These shall include sustainable use of natural resources, energy and water through eco-efficiency and circular economy, reduce emission, effluents and waste both hazardous and non-hazardous with commitment to zero waste to landfill, avoid the use of hazardous chemicals and substances, protecting of biodiversity and ecosystems with commitment to zero deforestation and net positive impact on nature, sustainable supply chain management, green procurement, and green and eco products, services and solutions.
- Implement the environmental management system as part of business operation along with regular performance monitoring and reporting, continual improvement and audit of its management system to enhance and uplift environmental performance against global leaders.
- Identify materiality issues and develop an environment and climate management that is accompanied by key performance indicators and strategies driving to achieve their performance targets.
- Be open, transparent and accountable on regular reporting as well as consult with stakeholders regarding our environment and climate performance and issues.
- Educate and raise awareness on environment and climate management among employees, customers, suppliers, contractors and others related stakeholders.
To ensure that this Environment and Climate policy is embedded in our organizational culture and put into action, all companies shall adapt this policy to suit their business according to SCG Vision and ESG 4 Plus.
SCG Environment and Climate Policy
SCG TCFD Report 2023 (Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures Report)
Examples of ISO14001 certificate 2022
EPAP Protocol self declaration 2022