Commitment to Enhancing for Excellence in Safety
By 2022, SCG is highly attentive to achieve the ultimate goal for zero lost time injury as well as zero fatality of employees and contractors, both in workplace, travelling and transportation including zero occupational illness and disease each year.
In the past years, SCG has strictly continue to adopt the high standard of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System to sustain strict safety supervision. Several innovations have also been developed for risk reduction, resulting in the continuously reduction of number of accidents.
In 2020, SCG has enhanced the Occupational Health and Safety Management System in order to achieve the goals. We are well aware that the goal is to reach for “better quality of life,” not for better numbers in the report.
Because “every life has value, every person shall get home safely, with no occupational illness and disease.”

Enhancing SCG Safety Framework for Safety in the Workplace
In creating safety in the workplace, SCG has announced to adopt the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SCG Safety Framework) and been supervised by Safety Performance Assessment Program (SPAP) since 2007 in all operations. We continue to enhance the standard for safety supervision and control to the present.
Based on the SPAP assessment results compared with the total injury frequency rate, it was found that companies with high assessment result were more likely to reduce the lost time injury frequency rate but still cannot meet the goals. In 2020, the SCG Safety Framework was updated by the Workplace Safety Committee with a concept to elevate risk assessment and risk management as well as established the standards and best practices that have been appropriately applied based on the business context and risks. The risk management has been driven effectively and systematically that align with Operation Control and Safety Culture enhancement throughout the organization. The assessment has been used to assess the efficiency and effectiveness on safety. A Dry Run had been firstly tested by pilot companies in all business units before being applied to all companies in 2021.
This enhancement is of great importance since SCG emphasizes on building an engagement in implementing the system with knowledge, understanding, and operational discipline among employees and contractors at all levels.
To this end, the System Drive Culture would be established at the standard level of SCG. SCG also expresses its commitment to elevate this implementation to higher levels of effectiveness and embed in part of the business to show that the efficiency in its occupational health and safety operations is truly excellent.

Safety Performance Assessment Program (SPAP)
In the past, the Safety Performance Assessment Program was assessed according to the requirements at the specified period which led to a lack of continuity of safety supervision that fit in the business context. The change in the assessment pattern this time will focus on the understanding the objective of the SCG Safety Framework 2021 and the implementation that will be assessed and certified by the company every year for the standard level. Assessor teams is set up from all business units to further assess the Occupational Health and Safety Management System in case the company is committed to
developing the system to a higher level.
The assessment at all levels will reflect both knowledge and competency, execution with know why, effectiveness and continuous improvement. In addition, the corporate function of each business units and SCG will take part in the consultation to help identify any shortcoming to create opportunity for further improvement.
This self assessment and certification will raise awareness for the company to review its performance on
occupational health and safety in accordance with the SCG Safety Framework and commit to move towards a higher level of operational effectiveness. The assessment program not only measures the
efficiency of the system’s compliance, but also considers the number of fatality and the lost time injury frequency rate. The first level, Awareness, is for companies that still have the number of fatality. The Standard level is when the zero fatality but there are still more lost time injury frequency rate than the goal set. The Advance level is when the zero fatality and the lost time injury frequency
Leader and Safety culture

Feel with Care, We Talk for Care
To promote the importance and value of occupational health and safety, the leaders play an important role in supporting the issue of occupational health and safety to be put into action by encouraging employees and contractors to work with discipline, establish safe behaviors as well as help each other supervise for working safely.
SCG focuses on “Safety Observation”. All employees are expected to understand the importance of observing their coworkers, know what to do and can remind their coworkers to work in the right way and appropriateness.
The leaders and supervisors are encouraged to be a role model on safety observation through “Leader Standard Work” that covers coaching, “Line Walk” and safety performance monitoring through “Visual Board.” The leaders are expected to regularly observe with care and advice, especially when encountering unsafe actions, so that employees and contractors can improve their behaviors. Rewards and compliments shall be given to employees and contractors who work safely lead to risks reduction by themselves. Safety Culture in which everyone in the organization “believes” and “acts” in the same way may not be easily established. However, with a management system that has a clear structure, roles and responsibilities, employees and contractors of all levels will understand the risk of their work and become aware of the consequences from compliance or non compliance.
When all employees and contractors can take care of themselves and their coworkers, we can be sure that the goal of zero accidents is achieved.
Raising the Goods Transportation
Safety and Road Safety Standard Align with SCG Medium Term Plans “Becoming ASEAN’s leader in Goods Transportation Safety and Road Safety” is SCG’s ultimate commitment which aims at “zero fatality on Goods Transportation and Travelling.

SCG establishes a Transportation Safety Committee which is responsible for setting policies, strategies, goals, short, medium and long term plans and key performance indicators to drive operational standards for safe use of vehicles.
The period between 2020 and 2024 marks the implementation of the Medium Term Plan. Earlier in the
year 2019, SCG has implemented several important foundations such as establishing the Goods Transportation Safety standard, which is the same standard for all business units and to be applied to all carriers by encouraging them to be able to supervise their own safety.
Furthermore, SCG have 2 sides cameras installed on all trucks, all of which are monitored 24 hours a day by the Logistic Command Center (LCC) of SCG Logistics that detects risky behavior and alerts drivers with AI. In 2020 SCG introduces the Kubdee application which will detect driver’s facial and eyes features that indicate and predict drowsiness or sleep.
In 2020, SCG is in the process of developing the Advance Driver Assistance System (ADAS) to help control
a safe distance between vehicles such as collision warning, driving tightly, getting out of the lane and the Drive Monitoring System (DMS) to alter the driver’s behavior for maximum safety including a 100% assessment of carriers according to Goods Transportation Safety Standard and developing carriers by requiring them to pass the assessment criteria at 85%.
Moreover, SCG has established the SCG Transportation Safety: Sustainability Program to promote 7 carriers to be Model Carriers to be a good role model for other carriers. The program starts with communicating to the executives of the carriers and make them understand the importance of being a leader in safety, corporate culture and enable their employees to participate in working safely, understand
and able to comply with the required safety standards. The program has been in operation since June 2020 and will expand to all strategic carriers.
According to the medium term plan, SCG also undertakes many actions such as applying the Goods Transportation Safety Standard to other overseas companies where SCG is operating its business with, Increasing the concentration