SCG’s Commitment to Sustainable Development Goals

In an era where the world is facing severe environmental and social challenges, SCG has adopted the concept of Regenerative Transformation as a core driver of its business operations not only to elevate industries’ adaptability and competitive capabilities but also to help restore natural resources and build an inclusive society in line with the Inclusive Green Growth approach.

This commitment plays a pivotal role in advancing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As a member of the Global Compact Network Thailand (GCNT), SCG has elevated its development initiatives both domestically and internationally.

Using the Area-based Approach, SCG has established a sandbox for testing and developing solutions tailored to local contexts through hands-on implementation and continuous learning, both within the organization and through collaboration with various sectors, with the ultimate goal of creating sustainable change.

Regenerative Transformation

Clean Water and Sanitation Improve water usage efficiency, reduce external water consumption, and implement sustainable water management.
Affordable and Clean Energy Increase the proportion of renewable energy use, improve energy efficiency, and develop infrastructure and technology to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable energy for all.
Decent Work and Economic Growth Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all by advancing technology and innovation.
Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive industrialization, and foster.
Responsible Consumption and Production Reduce waste through reuse and recycling via products and innovations to create sustainable production and consumption models.
Climate Action Integrate climate change measures into national policies and raise awareness about climate change.
Life Below Water Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources to prevent and reduce marine pollution as well as the impact of climate change.
Life on Land Promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems to protect and restore ecological balance and halt biodiversity loss.
Partnerships for the Goals Seek to strengthen collaboration for the implementation of sustainable development.

Sustainability Performance in 2024


GHG Scope 1 & 2 Emissions Reduction (compared with the base year of 2020) 8.76 million tons carbon dioxide (25.59%)
Recycled Water 13.10%
Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste to Landfill (For Thailand Operations) 0 ton
Alternative Fuels 28.59%
SCGP Products are Recyclable, Reusable, or Compostable 99.7%
Volume of Recycled and Renewable Materials 8.93 million tons
Conserve, Restore, and Increase Green Spaces 318,863 rai
Environmental Expense and Investment 7,029 million baht 1.38% of revenue from sales


Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate employee 0.186 cases per 1,000,000 hours worked / contractor 0.205 cases per 1,000,000 hours worked
Female in all Management Positions 27.9%
Social Contribution 381 million baht
Reduce Social Inequalities 24,543 persons
Occupational Illness Frequency Rate employee 0.132 cases per 1,000,000 hours worked
Number of Fatality Work-Related Injury from Workplace, Travelling and Direct Transportation employee 2 cases / contractor 7 cases
Number of Check Dam 127,618 units
Promoting Water Management for Community 2,307 households
Human Rights Violation 0 case

Governance and Economic

“Green Choice” Products and Services 54.0% of revenue from sales
Green Procurement Purchased 8,183 million baht
Suppliers Processed through ESG Risk Assessments 100% of suppliers with procurement spend over million baht
Employees Learned and Passed Ethics e-Testing 100%
Circular Economy Products 23.0% of revenue from sales
High Value Added Products and Services (HVA) 38.0% of revenue from sales
Carbon Label Certified 891 items
Research and Innovation Spending 4,847 million baht 0.9% of revenue from sales
ESG Investment 5,680 million baht
Recover and Recycle the Used Plastic 185,200 tons
Contributions to Organizations 36.43 million baht