
SCG reviews enterprise materiality on a yearly basis through the SCG Sustainable Development Committee, taking into consideration both internal and external impacts.

Process of Materiality Assessment and Prioritization

Based on the GRI Standards (GRI 3: Material Topics 2021),

The double-materiality concept Application and Issues, and Integrated Reporting Framework

2022 Materiality Assessment

The materiality analysis is conducted annually based on:
Analysis of Stakeholder Impacts (Externality)

  • Key ESG issues related to industry relevant to SCG based on the analysis of leading ESG evaluator, such as Stamp;P Global, Sustainalytics, MSCI, and FTSE4Good
  • 2022 Opinion Panel
  • Important issues for each group of stakeholders
  • Surveys of stakeholder opinions towards SCG’s operations, such as pre-event and post-event opinion surveys for ESG Symposium 2022, Supplier Day 2022

Analysis of Business Impacts

  • Issues with significant impacts on SCG based on its corporate risk assessment
  • Issues that the SCG Sustainable Development Committee highlights and designates as issues that require close monitoring
  • Issues that are integrated into short-, medium-, and long-term goals of business plans and the assessment criteria for the remuneration determination of CEO and top executives

Enterprise Materiality

  • High impact on economic, environmental, and social dimensions.
  • High impact on stakeholders’ assessment, decision-making, or confidence.
  • Fully integrated in SCG’s short-, medium- and long-term business plans.

Enterprise Materiality